In the effeciency-minded world of the mult-national corporation, time is money and Donald Trieblasser has been pissing away company resources . . . literally. As he is told in his one-year review by Suzanne Goodman, VP of HR, his frequent bathroom breaks pose a serious threat to workplace morale.
Thus begins, Bodily Function, a play that examines a variety of current views of the body -- as vehicle of industry, as a work of Art, as an object of desire and shame, and as a burdensome machine prone to breaking down and plagued by imperfection. The darkly comedic, disorienting and endlessly-evolving one-year review of a mid-level corporate employee forms the backbone of this fast-paced irreverent fever dream.
Bodily Function draws a caricature of a culture in which the body has come to represent something to be at once feared, worshipped and, above all, controlled.
Read what the critics had to say about the play (in a previous version enttitled: "Rapt") when it was staged at The Culture Project in New York City.
"Brimming with quiet sadism a bit reminiscent of Pinter"